Sunday, July 4, 2010


Thanks to Auggies, I'm expecting 22 more minis to arrive sometime this week. I'll soon be going to pick up some wooden nickels and some more basing supplies. I'm going to start rebasing single base Heroscape minis and medium sized DDMs. That way all my minis are still compatible with hexes. I'm thinking of using magnets for larger figures so I can move them between circle and 8-shaped bases.

Recently been working on HaloScape on my minds backburners. I like the work already done with HaloScape, but I'd like to put my own spin on it. I'm thinking I'll spraypaint some black glyphs for use as ammo and weapons. Not sure whether to make weapons Hero only or available to all units. My wheels are turning...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Su-Bak-Na sub

It shouldn't be too hard to find the actual Marro guy riding him, but a Necron should proably work. This is Reaper's Skeletal Dragon.

HS Substitutes

One of the bad things about Heroscape is the constraints of the hexes. Some figures that look really cool just won't fit on a double base, or even a triple base. This has been leading me to start playing Heroscape without hexes, old school style. But also these figures usually make my old Heroscape figures look kinda childish, this has led me to look for substitutes. The first suitable one I found is the Dragon of Fire by Reaper Miniatures. I intended to find a Mimring substitute, but it looks better as a Zelrig. Here's a link.

Friday, June 18, 2010

D2: Golem and Wyrmlings

The first of the previews leading up to Wave D2, as I said earlier caused a bit of an uproar. Here is my take on the units from the Golem and Wyrmlings exapnsion.

The Iron Golem
We finally got some of that promised Vydar love! In giant walking tank form even! At 3 life he doesn't seem like he has real great survivablity, until you see his 6 defense. Not only that, but your throwing 8 dice against the evil Special Attacks! He looks like he'd be a real good shock troop to send in, take out the special attackers and everything else he can. He will be a real good herokiller with that high attack. Lava Resistant is a small bonus though. Until we see a reprint of Volcarren Wasteland or a new set all together, this guy isn't going to get much use out of his second ability. I still wish they portrayed Golems as constructs that could be controlled. It would be a complex, but fun way to introduce some bonding.

These guy may look small, but with their bonding they could be a force to be reckoned with. Especially Aquilla's blue wyrmling! Not only is this unit cool in that it shoots lightning bolts around corners, but it also gives us a taste of Aquilla's future dragon. Personally, I hope it's this figure. There is already a contest up for creating Aquilla's dragon starring that figure. Back on the wyrmlings though. I love how they made the little guys represent their tougher, larger versions. I can't wait for the Green Wyrmling!

As for the Bracers of Teleportation, who needs Tul-Bak-Ra anymore?

New Heroscape Base Size

If you haven't heard already, there's an uproar over the new 1 inch bases for Wave D2. You can see the opinions of the Heroscapers community here.

Basically, WotC cut off 2 mm of plastic off the bases. The official reason is to make the miniatures viable to other miniature gamers. Other reasons that are suspected, but not officially stated by WotC is that the new bases will obviously save cost. However, some HSers, especially anti-D&D people, seem to think this is Wizards way of saying that they are using Heroscape as a D&D skirmish game.

Personally, this change means nothing to me. I plan to rebase all of my figures onto Privateer Press bases eventually anyways. I do not see this as Wizards trying to make Heroscape into D&D. I support the D&D Heroscape line, the figures are great and so are the new abilities. I can't wait until August comes around.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Hunger Games

Recently I read a book by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games is set in a future after a global catastrophe (I think it was a flood...). Anyways, an oppressive government known as the Capitol has taken control of North America, now called Panem. The situation is equivalent to the prerevolutionary France. The Capitol city is spoiled with riches, while the outlying 12 Districts under its control suffer and starve. 74 years ago, when the 13 Distrcits launched civil war on the Capitol they were defeated. District 13, the leader, was completely destroyed. This also led to the start of the Hunger Games. The Capitol requires aboy and girl from each District between ages 12 and 18 go to an arena, where its last one standing.

Short review: The book was good, had a 'To Be Continued' ending that really killed the ending.

Long review: The book is of medium length, 374 pages (I kept telling my English teacher I was on page 375, wow was she confused). The author builds a great mental picture of the suffering these people live in through Katniss, a girl from District 12. The book had some great combat scene potential, but that was squandered by the author trying to make it for teens. I didn't really like the romance between the two kids from District 12, Peeta and Katniss. Katniss was playing the love story to keep people sponsoring them. Unknown to her, Peeta really was in love. I guess that might be in there so girls like it... Meh.

So my point for posting this is this: how can you build a campaign setting from this? Or maybe just an adventure? Obviously, the government would be easy to replicate into a fantasy setting. The Games part, would have to be modified. Because the story is set in the future they have things such as hovercrafts to take the corpses out of the arena. Also, the audience watches with cameras because the arena is something like 5 miles diameter. They also show with a projector in the sky which competitors were killed.

So I'm thinking if you wanted to contain the whole thing to the city, you could have a walled city where poverty runs rampant, that surrounds a rich city on the inside. The Capitol would have a Roman Colosseum inside? Maybe entering the Hunger Games would be under different terms. Like criminals have to fight in the arena. Maybe breaking the cities strict customs would lead you to the Games. Customs that the PCs wouldn't know about.

Boar Boyz Heroscape Stats

OK, gave some thought to this and looked at past cavalry type units such as the Grok Riders and Knights. So here they are:

Boar Boyz
Common Squad 3
Large 5
Life 1
Move 7
Range 1
Attack 4
Defense 3
Points 110?
Special Powers:
Tusker Charge- A Boar Boy receives an additional attack die when attacking any figure that was at least 4 clear sight spaces away from that Boar Boy at the start of his turn.

Rally- When a Boar Boy attacks, you may also make a normal attack with an adjacent friendly orc squad figure.

This should make a nice addition to the orc horde! I think I might just buy these because of these stats. I didn't use the Templar Cavalry Galloping Charge because I figured: 1) boars don't gallop, 2) the boar boyz have battleaxes not lances. Going with this I figured that they should do more normal damage per turn, but not get as high of a bonus from the charge. I threw Rally in there because a cavalry charge generally raises army morale.

Happy Scaping,
- ssnover95

Orcz and Trollz

Yesterday, GW released the anticipated River Trolls, and also some orc cavalry and heavy melee troops. And as usual I cannot afford these new figures.

But for those of you who may have obtained them one way or another, I guess I'll make some Heroscape stats for them.

River Troll
Uncommon Hero
Large 9
Life- 4
Move- 4
Range- 2
Attack- 6
Defense- 3
Points- X140?
Special Powers:
Threatening Reach

There, they can swim, have a little bit of range from those giant swords they have, and regenerate like any other troll.

I'll post some Boar Boyz stats later.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Mini Total

It occurred to me this morning that I hadn't taken a look at the size of my collection in a while so I made a list. All included I have 255 miniatures ready to play from 5 different miniature games. I have more from Digimon and other random toy manufacturers, but I can't their names...

My recent minis I recieved from lefton4ya were a DDM Spectral Magelord, 2 Heroscape Greater Ice Elementals, an Air Elemental, and a Water Elemental from the Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

Also, a shout out to Soundwarp SG-1's Soundwarp Space, in 'My Links' off to the side!

Upcoming DDMs

Recently looked at and saw that there was a major update on Lords of Madness and the Castle Ravenloft board game.

For Lords of Madness, it looks like they got a hold of some pictures of the box sides. Seems we are gonna get a sweet volcanic dragon, a swordwing, and a heroslayer hydra. Those are figures I will definitely be looking forward to buying, my birthday is in July!

For Castle Ravenloft, we are getting a possible rerelease of quite a few figures, especially kobolds. I've had my eye on that huge dracolich for a while, that will be one I'll buy single probably on the first day of release or prior. Other than the figures the board game looks nice, except maybe the price. I will probably just buy singles from this set and maybe find out if someone else will let me borrow the adventure.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ankheg Design Phase Completed

A peak at a figure for my Master Set, the Ankheg as seen in the D&D4E MM2. I'm thinking about 30 points for this one. I'll will soon start the Playtest Phase. Stay tuned after that for some Ankheg Broodlings.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I Make A Master Set

OK, I'm starting a project I think I can stick to this time. This time, I'll be making an unofficial Heroscape Master Set. The units in this Master Set will even be playtested so you can use this too!

I will not consider this project complete until:
  • I have created and playtested 15+ units
  • I have created 3-5 scenarios
  • I have created 5+ glyphs
  • I have created one destructible object
I will check more and more of these off as I go. Right now I am working on a theme. I'm trying to add onto the ongoing story already and make something that seems like it was produced officially. If you'd like to see any particular units like vipers or undead in my Master Set just post the idea and I will consider it. Maybe a woods theme? The Black Woods? I just don't know...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dragon Age Inspiration

I've been looking around for a good idea for a super adventure for the late paragon tier of my D&D campaign. I was playing Dragon Age Origins and had an epiphany. An Underdark Civil War where the PCs have to gather the alliance of some of the races against the other army.
I'm thinking something like dwarves, orcs, and something else as the races that side with the PCs.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Balor Heroscape Card- not quite done

I finally got my lazy butt to make some cards. The first up is the Balor card. You will notice it has no points, because I still haven't playtested it. The little symbol on the bottom with the wing in it means Flying. A good way to save space.

In other news, I have written the plot and the first encounter for my Level 3-4 D&D4E: Clan Wars. This adventure stars a city terrorized by creatures of the night and its the PCs job to get to the bottom of it.

Dwarves and Repulsors

Great news! I went to Walmart and found... Heroscape Wave 9! Only two packs though, Dwarves and Repulsors, which I bought, and the hero pack, which my brother bought. I figured the dwarves would be great for D&D, so I bought that pack. I'm gonna make stat blocks for both units in case I ever play a campaign in a Valhalla setting.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rock Barrier

I decided to try my hand at painting some rocks. My first try was a rock fence/barricade a made some time ago. When I make a few more of these they will make a formidable barrier for melee attackers. I could even make a maze. Anyways tried a highlighting technique I learned and painted the edges of the rocks in the lightest color. This may or may not be a piece in my dungeon for STC #22, I can safely say that because I know no one is currently reading this blog.

Friday, January 29, 2010

got batteries

I finally got some batteries so expect me to start posting more often as I post what I have painted.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obsidian Guard lava bases done

Sorry, still no pics. I'm just kinda posting updates right now.

Anyways, I just completed the lava bases for 3 Obsidian Guards and 3 MK Magestone Guardians.

In othr news, I finished my War Troll and based it on a Heroscape base! Next up is... finishing Su-Bak-Na. Then some goblins, knights, and ninja for my bro. Sigh... so much to do...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

D&D Obsidian Guard Stats

Obsidian Guard Level 6 Artillery
Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XP 250
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
HP 68; Bloodied 34
AC 18; Fortification 18, Reflex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, petrification, poison Resist 10 fire Vulnerable 10 water
Speed 5
[m] Slam (standard; at-will) * Fire
+13 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d8 fire damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 fire and is marked until the end of the obsidian guard's next turn.
[r] Lava Throw (standard; at-will) * Fire
Ranged 5; +13 vs. AC; 1d6 + 2 fire damage plus 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).
[c] Eruption (standard; recharge on d6 roll of 6) * Fire
Close burst 2; +11 vs. AC; 2d6 + 3 fire damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Str 18 (+5) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 18 (+6) Int 6 (+1) Cha 7 (+1)

My favorite thing about stats for D&D is that you don't have to playtest! I picked them because I was painting the sand on their bases and decided to whip up some stats for them.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Got my figs from Auggies!

I finally got them and to my incredible surprise, I found not 1 but 3 HSDND Master Sets! 1 of which I gave to my brother. The other two I kept for myself. I also got my 27 DDM figures. I got:
Blackroot Treant x1
Animated Statue x2
Kobold Sorcerer x1 (the most expensive one by far to my surprise!)
Wrackspawn x7
Orc Terrorblade x7
Cerebrilith x1
Royal Guard x8

All for $50, not bad. I plan on repainting the wrackspawns first, so expect to see those by February.